So i now know i have for sure one reader! yep, after my last post, i got an email from a kind reader who raised up my spirits. So this post is dedicated to YOU Daniel, Thats right dude! He was kind to make me feel better about my dog and congradulatin on me mission! thanks man, and sorry for the crappy email, words fail me when i need them. Yeah! So i has a happy.

So art stuff. So i did a meme, which i think is like a fill in the blank for artists, and it was an emotions meme. PLEASE NOTE I DIDN'T CREATE THE MEME, JUST THE CHARACTER (JANE) IN THE BOXES. I DON'T OWN THE MEME BUT I DO OWN THE CHARACTER. Yup, just so we're clear. Yeah, this was alot of fun and i'll probably do it for all my characters for my new comic, Bang Juice! Yeah i know what u miht be thinking "Penn, what about Terror Troupe?" well, in a way, bang juice is just an evolution of Terror Troupe. So i am determined to complete this one for sure. PROMISE!

Well that's all for today. oh, i promise to try and get in a MANic monday post in today. yep, thanks again readers, especially you Daniel! peace!
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