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Monday, June 27, 2011

I Have A Reader!!!! (shout out to Daniel)

So i now know i have for sure one reader! yep, after my last post, i got an email from a kind reader who raised up my spirits. So this post is dedicated to YOU Daniel, Thats right dude! He was kind to make me feel better about my dog and congradulatin on me mission! thanks man, and sorry for the crappy email, words fail me when i need them. Yeah! So i has a happy.
So art stuff. So i did a meme, which i think is like a fill in the blank for artists, and it was an emotions meme. PLEASE NOTE I DIDN'T CREATE THE MEME, JUST THE CHARACTER (JANE) IN THE BOXES. I DON'T OWN THE MEME BUT I DO OWN THE CHARACTER. Yup, just so we're clear. Yeah, this was alot of fun and i'll probably do it for all my characters for my new comic, Bang Juice! Yeah i know what u miht be thinking "Penn, what about Terror Troupe?" well, in a way, bang juice is just an evolution of Terror Troupe. So i am determined to complete this one for sure. PROMISE!
Well that's all for today. oh, i promise to try and get in a MANic monday post in today. yep, thanks again readers, especially you Daniel! peace!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

TOday was a big day

Today I got my mission call. For those of you non mormon, a mission call is a letter packet with a letter stating where you will be going and when you will leave for your mission. I have been called to serve the Argentina Bahia Blanca mission for 24 months. I leave for the Provo MTC in November. To be quite honest i'm a little sad. I'm not too familliar with spanish culture, nor very interested in it. Everyone tells me alot of boys in our stake are going to Argentena. . . Which makes me feel like i'm just another fish in the bowl. A boring little goldfish, just like everyone else. I wouldn't have minded an in-state mission, though i would have loved to gone foreign. But i am going foreign, just not to an asian country like my sister. IDK, maybe it's for the best, maybe it'll help me gain a better perspective of my life, be more thankful for what i have. . . Well, the good thing is that i have a head start in the language department, tho not much. Well, what's done is done, like the mormons say, Thy will, not mine, be done.
Oh and also my dog died about a week ago. I'm fine, just another sickening reality i have to deal with. that's why in this blog i don't have pictures of my life, my family, my friends, the events going on, instead i have illustrations of characters in my head. Cus reality is just too disgusting. In my head, no one dies, no one grows up, no one has to say good bye, no one has to worry about their future because i create a future that's bright and lovely. And even though i do put my characters through alot of hells, i still make a happy ending visible at the end of the track. In reality, theres so much uncertainty and hardship. . . in my religion it is thought to make us stronger. . . well is there a straw that breaks the camel's back . . . what straw is going to break my back?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

izzi and calli

Ok, so a while back, i made a furry pic of my two cats izzi and calli, calli is a prissy little turd, so i matched her clothes to her personality. Izzi is fun spunky, and a cuddle bug. yeah, izzi's technically my cat and calli's my dad's. yep

Sketch dump

so here's a sketch dump i did oon the back of a program during sunday school. . . i was really bored. So i went to the mall with my friends yesterday, i didn't buy anything, but we had a good time. tried on a muscle shirt at pac sun, it was cut really low so i fellt really exposed. i tried on some shorts cuz my old ones have a hole in the butt, but alas, they were uncomfortable. i kinda wanted to find some jeans that made my butt look good, but my friends had to leave early cuz they got their hetalia costumes in. YAY! so yep, the story of my life, suck don't it? not really, just keep smiling . . . still no comments, or followers, but someday i will, getting close to the 100 pageviews mark! so exciting!