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Friday, April 22, 2011

Female Friday

Here it is, my second female friday. OK so this week's theme is punk rock, yay! I think she kinda looks like avail laving, what do you think? well, she's hot, she's spunky, and i might make her a cameo! lol so today, all my family has come in and we're gonna have my little nieces go egg hunting and it'll be cuter than puppy ears. Yeah, happy early easter yawl.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

First page

Ok, so to day turned out really well, the kids weren't that bad, and i got to help them make character drawings of themselves, yay. SO here is the first page of my comic, the zombie one, yay lol, so let me know how i did

CD cover

Ok, so, i haven't posted in a while, but i've been really busy. Today, we'll be working with 3rd graders, showing them a bunch of stuffs about graphic design and they get to draw themselves and we get to helps. anywho so here's a little pic of a cd i did for my sister's friend's band. enjoy, and i will give you female friday.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Arm

Ok, i know its Female Friday, but things have been too crazy, i'll do a couple on monday. Here's an animation i made, tell me what you think PLEASE! someone. . . yeah lol

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Book Cover

So today we're makingbook covers, i chose to do The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. Yeah, i'm not sure how to go about it, but i'm sure next week i'll figure it out. So above is a animation i made a few weeks ago. Its short, but somewhat humorous, its a pic of olivia being possesed and slapping olive. and below is the finished crazy girl, i photoshopped her to look better, yay. what do u think?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Toby Tuesday

Back to school, back to learning, here's toby punching a hole in the sky. yay. As u can see, i used the sketch below. Well, my day went really well. After early morning seminary i was able to take a nap till 9:45, had some breakfast, and went to WT. There i made some real progress on my animation. AND! three of my projects, including the animation are going into an art show! at a museum! this only happened to me once for a self portrait i did that i'm wasn't too proud of. But these pieces (the Thing poster and the Monkey cards) i is proud of yay! who knows i might even get a scholarship! yay. Ok, so i got the story for Terror Troupe in my head, i just gotta get it down on paper. okie dokie. see ya guys later.

Monday, April 4, 2011

MANic Monday

monday! last day of spring break, and i spent it cleaning and getting like a bunch of sunday posts done, so expect those for the next five sundays. Ok so i'm usually going t have a theme with MANic mondays, but today is just a muscle study. I'm trying a j bones style, see if i can out it in the mix. i've also been having this weird craving for retro anime, like lupin III and old classics. Yeap so enjoy the attempted eye candy.
This picture is a sketch for some villains! ooh, the girl on the far right is a long time face of mine i created a while back. SHe's my most badass character. She can whoop any one ANYONE'S trash. She's a mixture of Lust and Envy from FMA, Jinx from Teen Titans, and Medusa from soul eater. I like the other two too, though the one may be the leader, the one on the right has her own agenda.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

General Conference part II

Normally today, i would have a sunday post, which is a post of the church lesson my ward would be giving, but today was general conference part II. So i doodled the pic below, and from that i chose one of the doodles to try a new style. I kinda tried to go towards a "Panty and Stocking" kind of style. Panty and Stocking is a newish anime which i have recently discovered, it's very adult, but the animation style is quite remarkable i think. The styles a bit different than the one above, i;ll have to re check it. Well tomorrow is MANic monday, so that should be exciting. yeah . . .

Saturday, April 2, 2011

General Conference

So general conferences were today. for you non mormon folks out there, it's where all the mormons of the world watch the prophets give revelation, or rehash some of the things we already knew but need constant reminder of for some reason. AND after that we had to go to a priesthood meeting, my dad and i, which was long, but i got some good sketches in for a new comic. I know the guy looks like darth maul, but i based his design off the creepy demon off of insidious.
the story i'm thinking of was kinda inspired by sucker punch. in my head, i see it like sucker punch's surreal feeling.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Female Friday

So we went to the mall today, i love the mall, i like to people watch, though ya gotta be careful, otherwise people think you're a creeper or gay or a per or whatever and people freak out and you end up in mall jail. Anyways, i bought two shirts from Hollister, a hoodie and a t shirt (they were hang a sale) i wanted a hoodie to sleep in because the hoodies are so soft i have a cuddlegasm. (like an orgasm but you cuddle urself instead of . . . other things. . . ew). And a t shirt cuz it was 10 bucks which never happens at Hollister. I really think the owners of Hollister are very tiny people, cuz i'm a thin guy, sure i've been working out recently but i have minimal muscle mass and i can barely put on an large hoodie. Idk, the pictures have a lot of muscly guys who are more muscly than me, well they're all shirtless, ah i see, if ur a dude, you don't actually wear their shirts, u just buy them to say u bought them and never wear them to expose your perfectly chiseled pectorals. Or they're really small to show off your perfect chiseled pectorals without getting arrested for indecent exposure. Well anyways, the above image is colored Crazy Cute girl for Female Fridays. It's horrible, i might take it to my GD class and photoshop it.
The above image is the final version of the Terror Troupe and i think it turned out well, i might photoshop it to make it look nicer for . . . something. . . Yeah, i like how politically correct i am, adding one black girl. I didn't add her to be politically correct people, she was going to be part of the original cast, just like big boobs chick and the weird guy to the left between the gay hunk couple. Yep, and Brenda is going to be so loved, the loyal confidant and true friend to everyone, plus she can get up in yawls business.