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Friday, April 1, 2011

Female Friday

So we went to the mall today, i love the mall, i like to people watch, though ya gotta be careful, otherwise people think you're a creeper or gay or a per or whatever and people freak out and you end up in mall jail. Anyways, i bought two shirts from Hollister, a hoodie and a t shirt (they were hang a sale) i wanted a hoodie to sleep in because the hoodies are so soft i have a cuddlegasm. (like an orgasm but you cuddle urself instead of . . . other things. . . ew). And a t shirt cuz it was 10 bucks which never happens at Hollister. I really think the owners of Hollister are very tiny people, cuz i'm a thin guy, sure i've been working out recently but i have minimal muscle mass and i can barely put on an large hoodie. Idk, the pictures have a lot of muscly guys who are more muscly than me, well they're all shirtless, ah i see, if ur a dude, you don't actually wear their shirts, u just buy them to say u bought them and never wear them to expose your perfectly chiseled pectorals. Or they're really small to show off your perfect chiseled pectorals without getting arrested for indecent exposure. Well anyways, the above image is colored Crazy Cute girl for Female Fridays. It's horrible, i might take it to my GD class and photoshop it.
The above image is the final version of the Terror Troupe and i think it turned out well, i might photoshop it to make it look nicer for . . . something. . . Yeah, i like how politically correct i am, adding one black girl. I didn't add her to be politically correct people, she was going to be part of the original cast, just like big boobs chick and the weird guy to the left between the gay hunk couple. Yep, and Brenda is going to be so loved, the loyal confidant and true friend to everyone, plus she can get up in yawls business.

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