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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sucker punch

So i saw sucker punch and Beastly yesterday, Sucker punch was a visual feast of imagination and action. My sister and i were very much scared that it was going to be a Watchmen disaster (sorry for you fans out there, i hated the comic and i hated the movie) but it was fantastic, the one thing i did like about Sucker Punch that it inherited from Watchmen was the heavy make up that gave both movies a really surreal, dreamlike feel. Anyway, i highly recommend it to everyone, but go if u have a good imagination, ur gonna need it to fill the gaps. Beastly was a really cute movie, i recommend it too.
The above image is a sketch of all the main cast of Terror Troupe. Rain and Toby are in the front, i gave them melee weapons to make the a little more badass. Behind them are Kila and Klaus, Twins, Kila is the genius, while Klaus just does his best (and fails) to please her, believing Kila will rule the world. On the right are Brenda, the chick who's wise and has a ferocious attitude, next to her holding the chainsaw with the large bosom is Elsa, despite her Jessica Rabbit-esque appearance, she can handle herself in a zombie horde. The dude to the left with the human face and wolf ears is Chris, his character is kinda based on Batanen from Hyper Police. The dude with the sub machine gun is Rick, he is the love interest of Brenda, he's a nice guy who just has bad luck. . . a lot . . . any who the full blown werewolf in the back is Chris's boyfriend Owen. Yeah, i'll digitize this soon. . . yay, the cast is here, now to develop a plot, yay!
Ok this drawing was something i did about half a year ago, I did it for our adult people on this mormon trek i went on, they wanted me to draw them crossing this freezing river, it was cool. . . i think it turned out pretty ok, granted it was done in the middle of nowhere, dust blowing everywhere, blisters exploding, it was not a nice time XC. . . anywho, yep!

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